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作者:号令天下 来源:号令天下 时间:2020-11-30 01:17:42

In short order, the inquisition was disbanded. Some were relived to see the unpredictable organization dismantled.Others preferred to remember the inquisition's good works and the many lives it had saved.Those who had served returned to their former lives,knowing they had stopped a great evil from destroying the world and hoping that the peace for which they had fought remained,once the inquisition was gone.


With the dragon's breath disrupted and any hope of a swift victory dashed,the qunari retreated back to the north.Few knew what debates were waged in par vollen,but not long after the exalted council,the qunari lauched new attacks against tevinter.Their aggression caught the already unstable imperium off guard.Tevinter was soon mired in a war many feared could spread across thedas.

龙息计划被打乱之后,以及任何快速取得胜利的可能都不存在的情况下,qunari撤回了北方。很少有人知道在par vollen有过怎样的激辩,但是在高贵一会之后不久,qunari对tevinter发起了新的进攻。他们的攻势让帝国猝不及防,tevinter迅速陷入了战争的泥沼,而很多人惧怕这场战争可能会散播到thedas全境。

The exalted council remained intact,advising divine victoria on important matters.Cassandra served for several years.While she oftend disagreed with Leliana's policies,the former right and left hands of the divine shared a mutual respect and worked well together.Cassandra also spent time in the hunterhorn mountains north or Orlais,where she worked to rebuild the seekers.For a time,the new seekers remained reclusive,showing no interest in worldly affars and working to purpose few outside their order could guess.


The end of the inquisition as it had been sent shock waves through the college of enchanters.Madam de fer ably played on the mage's fears.Her followers uniter to build a new circle-with vivienne as its grand enchanter-in direct competition with the college.What the circle lacked in numbers,they made up for in political connections;soon they were a force to be reckoned with.The two institutions settled into an uneasy coexistence acroos the south vying for power.


After the exalted council.Leliana devoted herself fully to the sunburst throne and her dream fo reshaping the chantry.Within a year,she removed restrictions surrounding chantry priesthood,allowing men and women of all races to be initited and ordained.The dcree was followed swiftly by her decision to return the canticle fo shartan to the canonical chant,a move that divided andrastians deeply.A rebellion to renounce her and return the chantry to its former stat arose,begining first in orlais,then spreading to other parts of thedas.Divine victoria was resolute,holding her ground even after several unsuccessful attempts on her life.Seemingly unconcerned with the assassination attempts,she held up the hostility leveled against her as proof that she was on the right path.Leliana continued her open affair with the hero fo ferelden.He was often seen by the divine's side.Eventually,divine victoria decreed that all memvers of the chantry,from initiate to divine,would be allowed to engage in romantic relationships.When questioned,the divine pointed to andraste,who served the maker while wed to a mortal spouse.

高贵一会之后,L完全投身于日升王座的义务以及对教会的重塑之中。一年之内,她就取消了对于牧师身份的限制,允许所有种族不论男女成为教会一员甚至牧师。这条命令紧接着她决定将教会经典有canticle of shartan换回canonical chant,这一举动深深的割裂了信众们。一个力图谴责她并希望将教会改回过去状态的反抗势力崛起,最先出现在orlais,之后散布到thedas的其他部分。divine victoria十分坚韧,即使在数次对她失败的刺杀之后依然不改变自己的立场。似乎完全不在意这些刺杀企图,她将这些对她的敌意当作她走在正确道路上的明证。Leliana公开的继续着她和费罗登英雄的关系。他经常出现在divine的身边。最终,divine宣布所有的教会成员都可以拥有爱情关系和伴侣。当有人提出质疑的时候,divine就指出,andraste即使有一个凡人的伴侣,但她依然侍奉着造物主。

With the inquisition disbanded,sera joined the inquisitor in officially retiring from scaring the scaring people in high places.By formal account and agreement, both would lead boring,safe lives nowhere special doing not much at all.And with that comforting lie,those in power continued their fragile lives as though all was back to normal.Meanwhile,red jenny,an entirely separate person not at all collectively embodied sera,the inquisitor,and countless friends continued to make a difference,or just have fun,where and when the impulse struck.With frequnt visits to her widdle,of course.Perhaps most unnerving was sera's standing offer to the divine:"when the nobs piss about with your left hand or right,call on red jenny to give them two fingers."


Varric returned to kirkwall,where as viscount,he resumed his work rebuilding the damaged city infrastructure.Under his rule,the city-state finally resumed its place as the major trade hub of the free marches.He continued to ignore all mail from both the merchants guild and the prince of starkhaven.


With the inquisition disbanded,the bull's chargers returned to taking jobs thoughout orlais and ferelden.Fighting demons and clearing out the remains of venatori forces,the Iron Bull did his part to restore order to thedas.And on every job,Bull wore the necklace his kadan had given him...So that no matter how far apart life took them,they would always be together.


After the inquisition asibanded, cullen retired from active service.He returned to ferelden, establishing a sanctuary for former templars,on land divine victoria granted to him.With his help,many templars shed their lyrium addiction...And those whose minds were too far gone spent their last days in comfort.And he promised that,should his friends from the old inquisition ever need him,his blade would be ready.


Dorian returned to tevinter to take his father's place in the magisterium.As rumors flew about the imperium's infighting,Dorian was spoken of often as a voice of resistance against corruptiong.Along with magister Maevaris Tilani,he formed a group called the lucerni to restore and redeem tevinter-a fight many thought hopeless.Those fighting by magister Pavus's side noted that he kept in constant communication with the inquisitor via message crystal.


Thom Rainier was shown mercy when none was deserved,and set on a path of redemption.This gift ,so compasionately given,needed to be shared.Freed from his obligations to the inquisition,rainier traveled thedas,giving hope to the condemned and the forgotten.In the deepest prisons and pits of thedas,he found ,if not goodness itself ,its potential.By showing faith in those who had none,Rainier lifted them up and made them into something better than they were

Thom Rainier在他不值得被宽恕的时候被赐予了这一礼物,同时被送上了重生之路。这个礼物,被巨大的仁慈所给予的礼物,需要被更多的分享。被从对审判庭的义务中解放,Rainier走遍了thedas,给于那些被定罪与被遗忘的人们希望。在thedas最深的监狱与深渊之中,他寻找善意,亦或善意的潜能。将信仰展示给那些无信之人,Rainier帮助他们成为了更好的人。

With the inquisition disbanded,josephine made her farewells and returned to antiva and her family.Thanks to the inquisitor's help,the Montilyets were once again permitted to trade in orlais.The next few years were a busy time,as many ships with the Montilyet crest were built and set sail again from antiva's harbors.Soon, rivaini pirate captains with an ancient feud against Josephine's ancestors took to the seas,determined to rekindle the rivalry.Apart from Josephine's sister,Yvette,nearly eloping with a dashing pirate rince on one ocaasion,lady Montilyet took the development in stride.


Cole took to the road with Maryden to find a new life and a new way to be human.Wherever Maryden went to sing,people found old pains eased and hearts made happier...even if they didn't understand why.


After the events at the winter palace,elves left the inquisition under mysterious circumstances,as did elven servants across thedas.None could say where they went,but those who belived the inquisitor's story about Fen'Harel wondered just how large the dread wolf's forces were and what the ancient elven rebel had planned.











